Personal Narrative

From a young age, I've had a strong desire to help others. This was evident in my early years when I was deeply affected by the mistreatment depicted in The Ugly Duckling movie. This experience ignited a passion for advocating for the underdog and promoting acceptance and inclusivity. This formative experience instilled in me a compassionate heart dedicated to championing the marginalized and promoting inclusivity.

My Motto-Start where you are, use what you have and do what you can. Rise Above!

Bad things do happen to good people unfortunately and some situations are just out of our control. We can only work on ourselves, we cannot force another to change. What happened may not be our fault, but healing is your responsibility.

Empowering Self-Worth: Breaking Through the Stigma of Seeking Help

Many people feel like they're not good enough for various reasons, and this kind of thinking can lead to a bunch of messy behaviors and problems that need a reality check. Often, folks are too afraid of what others might think to seek the help they need to heal. That's where I come in. I'm here to treat everyone I meet with respect and without passing judgment. All my continuing development credits are also up to date and those certificates can be viewed on request. There are certain criteria I have to meet to keep my registration.

Compassionate Counseling: Nurturing Growth and Healing Across Diverse Domains

I excel in various counseling domains, particularly in relationships, marital issues, mental health, addiction, trauma, family dynamics, abuse 'sexual, physical, emotional', co-dependency, and nurturing individuals to achieve their potential. I have a special passion for working with children. During my seven-year tenure at a drug rehabilitation center, I spearheaded the support for female residents, many of whom faced severe behavioral, emotional, and mental health challenges. I firmly believe in treating them not as societal outcasts but as individuals deserving of recovery.

From Hardship to Healing: My Journey of Personal Growth and Resilience

Whilst working at a rehalibilitation centre along with an exceptional team, we witnessed remarkable transformations. My personal journey has been fraught with hardships, including teenage pregnancy, abandonment, abuse, addiction, divorce, blended families, and psychological struggles. Through self-study and perseverance, I've discovered that with the right guidance and commitment, these obstacles can be overcome. I've experienced firsthand the power of self-work and refuse to be held captive by past traumas.

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My Credentials

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My Operating hours

  • Monday To Thursday : 9am - 6pm
  • Friday: 9am - 5pm
  • Closed on saturday
  • Sunday: 9am -5pm